Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 86

More than weather rolling in


  1. Smashing! I adore how Retta is peeking over the grass, like she's on the trail of something, but isn't quite sure what.
    And then, there is your pony (Lady Sunshine?), just eating like nothing is going on, not even caring about the paparazzi!
    I haven't even begun on how crazy wicked the clouds look in the background! O.o Did that bring a really nasty storm, or was it just the clouds that looked wicked?

    1. The grass is really tall, but also Retta is pretty short :) Lady is always like that, she's happy as long as she gets her food :)

      It was pretty windy but other than that not much happened...and they didn't really pass over us, just around us :).

    2. Yeah, the grass does look pretty tall! Haha, Lady sounds like our horses! :P

      Aw, that is rather an anti-climax to this picture, I was thinking, gusting winds, pouring rain, trees being felled by lightning and catching fire.... :\ Oh well.
      I'm just kidding, this picture is still as awesome as ever! :D

    3. What kind of horses do you have?

      Hahaha sorry :) but I'm quite happy it didn't catch fire, it would make some interesting pictures but then I would have to leave my house and that wouldn't make me very happy.

      and thankyou :)

    4. Just two miniature horses. :)

      Oh, I'm glad it didn't catch fire! That would be horrible! I wasn't wishing bad weather on you, I just thought it was kind of disappointing- since those clouds looked so maleficent!

      You're welcome! :D

    5. Cool, do you like them?

      Hahaha I know, I was just saying :)

    6. I do not like the miniature horses....I love them. ♥
      I've sent you a picture of Jingles before, I don't think I've ever sent you a picture of Jewel though....I might have to. :)

    7. Oh, right, forgot about that one :) I'm pretty sure I've never seen Jewel though.
