Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 204

aaaaaand.......any day now!!


  1. Any day now...for it to bloom...or for the drop of water to fall! ;) Just kidding!

    Is that a building reflected in that water droplet? O.o
    This one is AmAzInG!!!! You should absolutely add this one to your crown jewels! Not only are the details sharp, but you can see something in the drop of water that's coming off that bud! :)

    1. As my Mom pointed out to me, it's dead and won't bloom anymore, only figured that out after I posted it :P

      I think that's another flower reflected, maybe just upside down?

      Really, you like it that much?! I thought it was alright but I didn't think it was one of my best, but of course thankyou for thinking so :D !!

    2. Haha! Well, I wasn't sure if it was a late-blooming flower! :)

      Oh, okay! :)

      'Twas my opinion, that is all. However, only add your absolute favourites to your crown jewels! :)

    3. I definitely take that as a compliment if you like it that much, I just wasn't sure how much it would be liked. But glad you like it :)
