Saturday, October 25, 2014

Day 219

Amber rose close up.


  1. I didn't think any of the flowers would still be blooming in Switzerland...however, I'm glad you've captured this all the same. I notice you posted that it was an Amber rose under the that to keep me from asking if it's a Primrose again? Haha! ;)

    This is a pretty close up, I love how the petals are almost like waves of golden water, and there off to the side in the picture, is a strange mystic island of thin spindly little trees. :) Very beautiful! ♥

    1. Must confess, this is a rather old picture :)

      Hahaha, didn't even think of that when I posted this :)

      Thankyou kindly, I'm quite happy with this picture Myself!

    2. Haha! You don't have to confess that! It's still a picture a day, you never said that the pictures you post would be Day 219 photographed on day 219! :)

    3. Currently that wouldn't work because they post at 7 AM so there's no way I would have a sunset picture by time it posted :)
